Wednesday 20 March 2013

Who Inspires Me?

Here is a navigational link forwarding you to one of the UK's top fashion blogs, who inspire/have inspired me in the most, since I have been following fashion blogs.

I actually know Lily, she is my friend's Sister. It was Lily who originally introduced me to blogging, when I heard about her success.

Lily inspires me and other followers, by expressing cheap and alternative ways of looking amazing at high street prices. She encourages people, that one doesn't have to wear designer labels to look extremely fashionable. She also expresses about how her style is individual.

Here is Lily's post for today, demonstrating a lovely summer outfit, for the beaming sun. Her dress is from urban outfitters, whilst her sunglasses - River Island. You'd think that they were designer, right?


The purpose of a fashion blog is to express one's own personal style of; clothing, footwear and accessories, through photographs, illustrations, navigational links advertising other websites, and many more.

The purpose of 'My Coursework Blog', will mainly be to express part of my coursework portfolio, created from my course of 'Fashion and Clothing', at City Of Bristol College. This portfolio will include various examples of my work, created using digital art & design techniques, and digitial media.

I very much hope that some of my work, may inspire you.

E-Safety doesn't just mean that we have to be careful on the computers - It also counts for all sorts of communicating technology such as mobile phones, gaming consoles and other electronic communicators.

To abide by the E-Safety rules for City of Bristol College, and for myself, I have made my blog profile completely private, in so that nobody else can see me, other than my tutor.