Wednesday 11 September 2013

My Fashion Illustration Figure

For my series of fashion illustrations, I decided to do something a bit different, and take a figure from an advertisement. (In this case two). The above advertisement for Kenzo clothing range, I took great interest too when reading my new monthly issue of Vogue (May 2013).

I decided that I wanted to chose the figures from this particular advertisement, because of it's unique approach onto fashion photography. I could see so many opportunities of ideas hidden beneath the two figures eg. rotations, symmetry, shapes. 

This is my black and white pen drawing that I used from the magazine image, and I then scanned this onto the computer. I am now going to experiment with this same drawing, and put it into a series of different contexts, following one theme of my choice.
Peter Saville is a graphic designer, that works a lot with typography. I think that the concept of this deisgn, is interesting. How ever, I find it rather 2D looking, for what I would like to create. Taking influence from this, I would like to use typography, but make it look much more 3D on the page.
This deisgn by Peter Saville, attracts my attention much more. I love the 'busy' feel to it, and the feeling that some of the detail is jumping out at me. Looking more into the design, I love the comic style of image that is within the writing. The use of typography, inside typography itself gives great attention to detail, and this really interests me. Maybe I could try and interpret a comic style image, into my theme of galaxy some how, but how would I create this?


Learning the basics on Photoshop

As I am a complete beginner to Photoshop, I have decided to get into the swing by practicing with a image of Mickey Mouse that I have copied from Google Images.

Here I have simply copied and pasted another copy of the image, to make two, and transformed the image to a different angle. 

Here I have experimented with the effect that Photoshop offers, and used the mosaic and glitter effect.

I also made both characters bigger, by also stretching out certain areas. As you can see, both images have been made to a larger scale.

Now, I needed a background, and some body to the image. I didn't want to make the negative space to overcrowded at first, and so I figured out how to us the gradient tool. This is the back layer, with the green to yellow. I didn't want to use the normal colour that is used for sky (Blue), so I went with something different.

After this, I created another layer into the image and inserted a picture off Google Images of Amsterdam's light district. I don't know why I used this, there is no meaning, it was just a random choice.

I distorted the image by using the magic wand tool, and selecting the edges of the buildings. This is how I created the speckled effect through to the green/yellow background.

Finally, to finish off the illustration I took part of the building using the selection tool, and copied it into a separate layer. I continued this process three times, by making the building on the right taller and taller.

The final detail that I added to this illustration before I decided that it was finished, was adding another of the original Micky Mouse image that I began with. I like this touch, even though it's very small. I like the idea of finishing with what I started with.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Theme board - David Bowie Project

This  A2 theme board, I have recently created for my new project, that is to design and make an outfit, influenced by David Bowie.

I wanted to share this with you, so that you can get that feeling of 'What's the story?'
It's one of those typical unexplained pieces of art.

From this theme board, I have gone on to create a pair of high waisted flares, and a blouse. Both with asymmetrical aspects.

David Bowie Exhibition at the V&A

As a whole, the exhibition itself was a great opportunity. It was very interesting to see the designer outfits that he wore himself, to hand. This is the part that I enjoyed the most.

The exhibition also included of videos and projections. I wanted a thrilling selection of interviews on a projection, with some of the fashion designers that worked with Bowie. This was great. One of them, being Kansai Yamoto. He and Bowie worked together often.

The photographs above show the famous outfits of Bowie's himself. The top, being the most known.

In the second photo, it shows a wide variety of his outfits that were exhibited. The kimonos that are hanging of the ceiling in the middle of the room, were designed by Kansai Yamoto.

I would like to state this none of the above photos in this post, are my own. Unfortunately, taking photographs in the exhibition itself was forbidden, so I had to find my photographs from another source.

Visit to the V&A

I went to the V&A on a college trip, and it was in fact a lovely day. I found some very interesting pieces of art - Like this one.

This Turkish tiling caught my eye instantly, due to it's stunning colours and mesmerising repeat pattern. I learned that this repeat tiling would have been created around 1580. Also, that tiles with this design are associated with the shrine of Ey'up, which stands just outside the walls of Istanbul.

The pattern is not self contained, but can be repeated endlessly, like a textile design. Each group of four tiles, has the complete pattern, which is symmetrical on the vertical axis.

In the fashion department of the V&A, this outfit attracted me more than anything else for a number of reasons. My love for black and white; the sixties, and the female suit. Reminding me of Margaret Thatcher for it's shape, I was eager to find out more.

I just love the contrast between the the black and white, against the solid squares. Something simple but bold like this, is something that I would love to take influence from in my next collection of designs.

Even more interesting, is Mary Quants choice to turn the axis of the squares for the skirt - Creating diamonds.

This suit was designed in Paris in the late 60s.

I don't remember many details about this unique piece, however I wanted to upload it anyway.

I think that this unique piece of artwork is very inquisitive indeed. I feel that it has an interesting story kept within, that is to not be revealed.

This is what I love most about art, the question that it holds - What it means. My aim with my next collection, is to try and achieve this with an outfit.

Who inspires me?

Finally, this fashion blogger that I also follow, is not as popular in the UK, but has just as much character! Tori West is another young fashion blogger who is in fact extremely local to me. I originally found Tori on a friends twitter. I was delighted at what I discovered at my first glance of this blog.

It might be down to my personal taste of style, but I find that this blogger has so much charisma, and personal style. She puts together outfits that just wow me - Outfits that I could never put together.

All of the outfits that I see Tori in, I would love to wear. Amazing.

Here is a photograph of one of my favourite posts from Tori. Even though this photo isn't classy, it's cool. This photograph gives out a lot of attitude, influenced by fashion. It is very strong. I love it.

Who inspires me?

Kavita D is yet another successful fashion blogger from the UK. Kavita was one of the first fashion bloggers that I discovered, after I started following Lily's success.

This blogger not only uploads her outfits, but also photographs of her daily life. I'm not sure about this. Personally, when I come onto a fashion blog, I want to see style, design and influence - But that's just me.

On the more positive side, Kavita's style is right up my street, with her flamboyant platforms and brilliant sense of colour. I really enjoy looking through this blog, mainly for influence for my own designs and style.

Here is a photograph of Kavita's latest outfit, which is most fashionable for this season. A very laid back outfit of comfort, with jogging bottoms and a crop. Very sport related. She has interestingly enough, dressed this up with a formal blazer, and clutch. Lovely.