Tuesday 15 October 2013

Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman is an artist and self portrait photographer, that is famous for taking photos in hundreds of different concepts, and poses. She wildly changes her makeup and styles, to make herself look like a completely different person.

I like how this portrait is close, starting at the neck. This concept is interesting, and shows more detail within her face. Which brings me to her makeup. I will need to think about how I will approach the hair and makeup of my model (which I am thinking might be me), to suit grunge.

This self portrait of Cindy Sherman's, is famously taken in New York, and has a totally different approach to the previous. To my knowledge, this is Sherman's most popular photograph.

I had quite a debate with myself, about Sherman's expression in this photo. I've come to a decision that she looks either disgusted, or bemused. This once again relates to Joseph Cornell's unknown story. I really do love this idea.

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