Tuesday 15 October 2013

Joseph Cornell

I have recently discovered the astonishing American sculptor, Joseph Cornell, who has simply amazed me with his work.

Cornell creates intricate little sculptured boxes like these, made of mixed medias such as wood, cardboard and plastic. They were often glass fronted.

This box here on the left, is named 'The Hotel Eden', and it was created in 1945 - Interestingly the ending year for World War 2. The box below, is called 'Habitat Group'.

The main reason as to why the boxes interest me so much, is not only for my love of birds, but for the detail, and the story as to why. Cornell's idea for this was very unique, one like never before. It makes me wander as to what interested him into creating these cute little boxes, and why he included what he did, for each one.

This 'story' idea, links in with the sculpture that I have written about, earlier on in my blog. A detailed sculpture of a house, that I discovered at the V&A Museum in London. (See 'Visit to the V&A').

After taking such an interest from this idea, I am going to try and interpret this into my photoshoot, which is my next brief for this module.

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