Tuesday 15 October 2013

Final Grunge Photograph

So this is my final photograph and outcome, for my grunge photo shoot project. It is a self portrait photograph of myself, expressing a facial expression, that i'm hoping could be protrayed in many different ways.

When editing the photograph in Adobe Photoshop, I set out to go for an effect that was; black and white, an attention to high contrast, and used the' colour filter' to give a slight blue tinge. I also used the 'selective colour', to take attention for the blues in the photogaph. This brought out a high amount of contrast in the darker bits of the Levis denim jacket, and I think this worked brilliantly. I also did this for shades of reds, which darkened the lips.

This is the original of the final photograph, before any editing. I am delighted with how grungy I created it to be, through Photoshop.

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